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March 2001

Case Etching
Gideon Tech has a Case Etching Guide. This is a very cool guide for those of you with plexiglass case mods.


Duron OC Guide
Adrian's Rojak Pot (I'll never get that) has a guide posted on Duron Overclocking. I haven't had a chance to read through it yet, so you're on your own. Hopefully, it's good and it doesn't mislead you.

Boomslang + Icemat
OCPrices has a joint review up of both the Razer Boomslang 2000dpi and an ICEMAT Mousing Surface. I have the 1000dpi Boomslang and have to say, it's very nice (once you spend a week getting used to it).

Microsoft's new gaming console, the Xbox, will be released in Autumn with 11 Sega game titles. Neat huh... go read up for the details.


Hole in MS Exchange
Bulgarian bug hunter Guninski said in an advisory that a security risk is created in interactions between Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE), Internet Information Server (IIS), and Exchange 2000 software, potentially baring server directories and e-mail to prying eyes. If this caught your attention, go read up for more info.


AOpen 1640 DVD
A AOpen 1640 Pro DVD ROM has been reviewed for your reading pleasure at MadnessPC. If you're looking for top of the line, this is the way to go. Personally, I don't think you need more than 10x, if that. Smile

Windows XP Review
PC World.com has taken a look at Microsoft's new Windows XP. They said that it is going to be the most exciting and controversial product put on the market... yeah... if you'd like to hear more about what they thought then go read up.

Virus Alert
Just a heads up, a virus emerged on Tuesday that infects both Windows and Linux. Go read up for the details.

Sennheiser Headphones
Gaming In 3D has a review on some very nice and very expensive headphones, the Sennheiser HD570 Headphones. If you're a rich mofo, have at 'em! Smile


Interesting Stuffs
This really doesn't have anything to do with anything.. but it struck me as pretty interesting. Disney will be cutting 4,000 jobs. The job cut is supposed to save Disney a whopping $350-$400 million.. lots a money! Go read up if it interests you.

Search Engines Bogged Down
When searching for stuff on the web, do you ever wonder ..is that all there is on this topic?? Well the answer is no, but the reason this happens can all be explained. The so called best search engines on the web Google and Altavista catalog about 1.4 billion Web pages, barely skimming the surface of the entire Web. So that is why it is so hard to find what you're looking for, for more details.. go read up.


EG351 P-VE Review
"I Am Not A Geek" has a review of the Enermax EG351 P-VE. I have the 450 Watt Enermax. .. very nice... Smile

Internet Usage Survey
Here is a neat little survey that was done to see where and what people were doing on the net. It gives some pretty interesting facts, such as the interest differences in not only men and women but from country to country as well. Go read up.

Pokemon Banned
Saudi Arabia's highest religious authority has banned all Pokemon games and cards! It was said that Pokemon "possessed the minds" of Saudi children, promoted Zionism and involved gambling which is banned in Islam. Pretty severe huh?! Maybe we should start practicing Islam more widely here in the US, if you know what I mean. Smile Go read up for the details.


AcceleraPCI 466/128
Do you have an old, crappy computer? Do you want to make it go faster with very little effort? If you answered yes to both these questions, read the review of the Evergreen AcceleraPCI 466/128 at Chick's Hardware.

Business Lesson
This probably isn't all that interesting, but the title struck me as being hilarious.. Business lessons learned from 'The Sims'! My roommate plays that game all of the time.. I didn't see what the big deal was but I guess it's helping in some way?! Go read up for more info.


Beware: Linux Worm
The SANS Institute warned Friday that a dangerous worm is spreading across the Internet and infecting Linux servers running vulnerable domain name software. This is just a heads up, go read up for more info if you're running a Linux server.

We Have Forums
Note to the peeps: We have forums and have had them for a while... USE THEM!

ASUS A7V133 Review
IAmNotAGeek.com has a review of the ASUS A7V133 Review hot off the press. ASUS makes some good boards, I'm sure this is no exception.

Soyo 6BA+100
Technoyard has the low-down on the Soyo 6BA+100. It's a BX based motherboard (and you though BX was gone! ha!) with built in RAID. It's definitely worth a look.

Tribes 2 Preview
3D GameForce has a preview of Tribes 2 up. I know a lot of Tribes fans are really hyped up for this release. There are some pretty good screen shots here as well.

ABIT TH7 Pressrelease
ABIT has announce a new motherboard today. It's their Pentium 4 based motherboard. While I'm not a fan of the Pentium 4, I figured this would be exciting for those of you who are. So, take a look at the ABIT TH7 pressrelease.


Tech Zone Contest
Like free stuff? The Tech Zone is giving away a stick of Micron PC-133 SDRAM, 256 Megs, 7ns, able to run at 150Mhz with 2/2/2 timing. To enter just click on the link above and reply to the thread in their new forum. It's simple, and you get a chance to win some RAM! What are you waiting for, go reply to that thread now! Smile

Cordless Mouse
Feel like you need something new for your home or office desktop, but you just don't know what? Maybe you'd be interested in one of Logitech's new cordless mouse. It's pretty cool, and helps take away from the clutter that can build up on one's desk. Go check it out.

Earthquake Technology
Do earthquakes scare you? Well scientists are working on Internet-enabled earthquake early-warning system. This is the first of it's kind for the US and will be used in California... hmm imagine that! Go read up for more details, they talk about the recent Seattle quake.. but I didn't think it was too bad for my first earthquake.

Spam Bill Passed
All can sleep well tonight because the Congressional subcommittee approved the anti-spam bill! Smile Exciting huh?! I hate spam, go read up for the sticky details.


MS-StarForce 815
Legion Hardware has a review of the MSI MS-StarForce 815 videocard. It's GeForce2 based, which is not too exciting considering the pending GeForce3 release.

WHQL Radeon Drivers
The-ctrl-alt-del.com has got a file I'm sure you ATi guys would like to get your hands on. They have the latest WHQL ATi Radeon Drivers. Click that link to start downloading.


VIA KT266 Preview
VIA Hardware has some damned cool news today. They have a VIA refrence board in their labs with a VIA KT266 chipset in it. Now, we get to see how it perform as well as the ALi and AMD based DDR solutions.


AOpen AK73 Pro(A)
Active Hardware takes AOpen AK73 Pro(A) for a spin around the block. If you're not a hardcore ABIT fan, you might want to check this out. Seems like a pretty good little buget board.

Wary About E-Commerce
Studies show that most internet users today are still wary about e-commerce. People are afraid to use their credit cards over the internet etc. Personally, if you're that afraid.. use a money order! But really, I don't think there is that much to worry about... it's safer than giving your credit card number over the phone. Go read up and make up your mind about the situation.

New Game Boy
Nintendo will soon be releasing their new Game Boy Advance. The specs are pretty impressive for a hand held gaming device: the screen is 50 percent bigger (than it's predecessor the Game Boy Color) and its image processor is three-times faster, running at 32-bits, up from eight-bits. Sounds pretty cool, go read up for more info.

Palm's New Stuffs
Palm Inc. has a couple new handheld devices, the Palm m500 and Palm m505. The Palm m500 will sell for $399 and the Palm m505 (a color version) will cost $449. Go read up for more details.


Supermicro SC750-A
Virtual Hideout has a review of the Supermicro SC750-A, which is one bad ass mofo of a case if you ask me. But check out the review, it might be what you're looking for in a case.

Microsoft Software
Next week Microsoft will be unveiling .NET software for non-Microsoft operating systems. Pretty neat, go read up for more info.


The RAM Guide
Legion Hardware has put together a RAM Guide. I haven't read throughit yet so you're on your own. Smile

Compaq Cutting Back
It seems like everyone is laying people off these days, Intel, Motorola, and now Compaq. Compaq plans to cut about 5,000 positions, or 7 percent of its global work force. So, if you work for Compaq and you didn't know that yet... happy job hunting.

Membership Lists
Do you like to go out and sign up for memberships? Well if you do and you signed up at Voter.com, beware the dreaded spam. Voter.com isn't doing so well so they have made plans to sell a list of 170,000 e-mail addresses, complete with the party affiliations and issues of interest to people on the list. Nasty .com's anyway... geez. Go read up for more details.


Whoopass Baby
Now this is a baby that can really open up a can of whoop ass! Look at this little guy guzzle!! Chug, chug, chug, chug...



1.2 @1.5GHz
The foolios at Techwatch have a nifty little story to tell you. They got a 1200MHz Tbird (100MHz FSB) to almost 1500MHz (123MHz FSB). Pretty neat for a 100 MHz FSB chip. Read about it at Techwatch.

Hampster Racing!
Just when you thought Hampster Dance was all gone and it was safe to go out, a new Hampster sport has been founded. Yes, Hampster Racing is out and about and they're in cars! PETA is going to be all over this! Smile

OCZ Copper Spacer
Rizenet takes a look at the OCZ's 'ExtremeCool' Copper Spacer. People have been finding these very useful. I'd recommend getting one if you suck at mounting heatsinks. Smile

Comdex Coverage
Ever wonder how the Comdex shows are in Canada? Well, Futurelooks has an article up on the show. Here is the one from Canada, and if you want to compare the two shows, the one from Las Vegas is here.

A [H]ard Round-up
Well if one HSF round-up isn't enough for you cRaZy people, I have another one you can go to! This time it's Kyle over at good ol' [H]ard|OCP who has a round-up of 12 HSF combos, some with high-performance fans. Hopefully Kyle didn't fry ANOTHER T-bird! Smile

Giant HSF Round-up
We all know Legion Hardware reviews a lot of HSF's, and now they have a huge round-up of 13 HSF's. They also test it on two different systems to see which ones are more effective. Go check it out!


Laptop enthusiasts might want to check out VIA Hardware's preview of the SuperSavage. This is S3's new entry into the graphics market. So, for those who are really into laptops or are deciding if they want to wait to get one, check this out.


MSI Pro266 Master
Legion Hardware has reviewed the MSI Pro266 Master. Just so you know, before you go, this is a Socket 370 DDR motherboard (that means PIII for those not in the know).

Asus A7V133
Overclockers Online has a review of Asus A7V133. This is for the 133 MHZ FSB (266 DDR) Athlons. It looks like a well laid out board. How did it perform? You'll have to read the review to find that out.

Hacker Put to Work
Dennis Moran, 18, who went by the online name Coolio, has been sentenced to nine months behind bars. But get this, he was ordered to help program the jail's computers! That is just great, put a hacker to work in a JAIL! w00t, way to go America! Smile

Canada, Pig Latin, & Napster
Pulse New Media, a company affiliated with the University of Toronto, is using pig Latin to disguise Napster file names that are to be blocked this week. Pretty cool 'eh?! Smile Go check it out for more info.


Soltek SL75KAVX
A Soltek SL75KAVX has been reviewed at JSI Hardware. I swear these motherboard models keep getting more and more whacked everytime I see a new one. Why don't they just write it in binary? It'd be the Soltek 110100100 110100100 1100100100. Ok that's not really what it is in binary, in fact, that's only 420 written 3 times. Smile

Shuttle AV32
VIA Hardware has a review of Shuttle's AV32. This board is sporting the Apollo Pro266 chipset, which means it's a DDR board. It's good reading material.

Microsoft & eBay
Wow... Microsoft and eBay decided to form a strategic alliance. Their reason, to develop e-commerce applications and expand their global online presence. Like they really needed to form an alliance to do that... who doesn't know who Microsoft or eBay is? Smile Oh well, go read up for the sticky details.


Super Hog
The Tech Zone has reviewed a kit that can make your Kaine Hedgehog super. Smile Check it out, it's called "Making A Super Hog," and it's at the Tech Zone.

Taisol CGK Ultra
Overclockedhardware.com has got a review of the Taisol CGK Ultra posted for your reading pleasure. Looks as if it might rock actually.


S4 MidiLand 7100 +
The Tech Zone has the low down on the S4 MidiLand 7100 Plus. I haven't read through this one, so you're on your own. My advice when buying speakers: get a good job and buy your self some Klipsch Pro Medias.

A Bunch of Stuff
I really don't feel like posting separately today.. so I won't hahaha! Smile If you'd like to read up about innovative car designs check it out here. Or if you'd like to find out about the UCITA law in Texas click here. And finally if you're curious about web gadgets that may invade your privacy, head on over here. Have fun with all that!


New VIA Drivers
VIA Hardware has the new VIA 4.29 drivers. Hopefully, these won't suck as much ass as the last drivers. Here's some linkage, click here.

Vantec FCE-62540D
Overclocker's Cafe has reviwed the Vantec FCE-62540D. This is the new Vantec with the 7200 rpm fan on it. Very nice.


Arctic Silver II
EXHardware has a review up of some Arctic Silver II. This paste has some monster conductivity, let us just hope you have a good heatsink to keep up with it.

Hackers Beware
With all of those terrible hackers out there, someone has to do something to try and stop them. Smile And people are! Experimental decoy network to fool hackers. Heh, I get a kick out of all of this hacker stuff. Go read up for more info.


Asus 7100 MX vs. VisionTek MX
LittleWhiteDog has just posted their latest hardware review covering two GeForce2 MX cards, the Asus 7100 and the VisionTek. For kicks they also threw in a GeForce 256 to show the performance gain. So if you feel you haven't read enough MX reviews, go read up, can't hurt you might actually learn something.


Kaine Hedgehog-238M
Copper heatsinks have had mixed opinions about them, and I don't think I'll be buying one. I'm still waiting for the all silver heatsink to come out. Smile In the mean time, you can check out this review of the Kaine Hedgehog-238M at Legion Hardware.

Alpha PEP66T, Reviewed
Want to buy an Alpha PEP66T? Well, before you do, check out the review by Mr. PC Pro. I just hope he send it to me when he's done.

Peltier Shopping
Dan of Dan's Data has a guide of sorts posted today. It's pretty neat actually, because it give you the low down what you want and what you need for a peltier. So, if you're even considering a peltier, check out this guide, "Picking a Peltier."

EPoX EP-3SPA3 Review
Active-Hardware has a new motherboard review up for us today. They took a look at the EPoX EP-3SPA3 Motherboard. I guess it wasn't too bad, nothing melted and he's still alive. Smile

Ghetto Router
Are you too poor or too cheap (or both in my case) to go out and buy a router for your home network? Mark over at Extreme Overclockers has a guide up on how to turn an old beat up pc into a router. Even if you are feeling too lazy to read something, you can still check out the guide, since it's in video! Go check it out!


P4 vs. Athlon DDR
Ever wonder how an AMD Thunderbird at 1.2GHz with DDR RAM does against an Intel Pentium 4 at 1.5GHz with some RDRAM? Well, The Tech Report threw a bunch of benchmarks against both systems, the only question is, which is better? The world may never know, unless you go read the article!

1.3 and 1.33 GHz T-Birds
Tbreak got a hold of a 1.3 and 1.33GHz AMD Thunderbird. They just do the normal SiSoft Sandra and Q3 Arena benchmarks, but NO overclocking. Oh well, they only had them for 6 hours and couldn't destroy them, I guess I can forgive them this one time. Anyway, go check it out here.

AOpen AK37 Plus
VIA Hardware has reviewed the AOpen AK37 Plus. It's a pretty good motherboard, but I'll let you read about it. I keep emailing AOpen and asking them to name their next board the AK47 but it doesn't seem to be working.

New Cell Phones
Matsushita, based in Japan, has come out with some snazzy new cell phones. One is designed like a wrist watch, another has a small detachable ball that is a digital camera, and the third resembles a video game device. Neat huh, go read up for more details.


Vantec vs. VolcanoII
OC Addiction pits the Socket A cooler from Vantec against VolcanoII on 1.2GHz AMD Tbird. It's a good read if you're in the market for a cheap but effective heatsink and fan combo.

SETI Disrupted
SETI@Home was disrupted on February 27 due to a cut in a fiber optic cable. Apparently, it was cut by some vandals trying to salvage copper wire from nearby cables. Retards... go read up for more info.

Legion Hardware Review and Contest
First off Legion Hardware has a review up on a Icemat mousing surface, just looks like a piece of glass to me but hey they say it kicks so.... On to what you really want to hear about their contest. They are giving away four madonion prize packs all you have to do is post in there forum here is the link to the contest.

Thermaltake SuperOrb Cooler Review
Tech-Planet has a review up on the Thermaltake SuperOrb Cooler Review. They are checking out if it is worth your hard earned jack, so if you want to see if this cooler is worth it go check it out.


Rambus Lawsuits
If you're in the market for memory, you may want to buy up quick. Rambus is getting messy with some lawsuits against memory manufacturers and that may boost memory prices. Go read up for the details.

Top 17" Monitors
PC World has reviewed and found what they think are the top 17" monitors. I'll let you go check out what they came up with... now go already! Smile


Lifeview Finger ID
Dan's data has a review posted on one bad ass device. He has himself a Fingerprint ID device the lets you log into your computer using a finger print. Very cool, it's called the Lifeview Finger ID and while it's got a few flaws, it's damned cool!

BMW Limousine
BMW came out with a net equipped limousine. I'll let them explain, here's a tid bit:
The built-in computer, built around Intel Corp.'s Celeron processor, features an infrared keyboard and a retractable 15-inch flat screen, accessed from the back-seat passenger compartment by pressing a button on the wall behind the driver's seat. DVD (digital versatile disc) movies, TV programs, and video teleconferences can be watched on the same screen.
Neat huh, go read up for more details.

Pain Beam
The Pentagon has yet again come out with more painful, non-lethal, technology to control violent or threatening crowds. It is a pain beam that inflicts a brief burning sensation. To find out more, go read up... pretty interesting stuff.


Championship Surfer
A cool little game called Championship Surfer has been reviewed over at Legion Game. It looks pretty cool for a surfing game, you'll have to read the review to find out more.

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