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February 2000
Head over to HardOCP today and you can catch a little of Kyle Bennett's soap box action! He seems pretty upset at some of the stupid stuff Tom Pabst over at Tom's Hardware Guide.

FAST-MHz Takes a look at the TARGA 1000 and TARGA 2000 Pro series professional nonlinear video and audio editing Capture Cards. I've never seen a review like this before. These things cost more than the computer I built! They're not even that good either.

Magic Torch Overclocking has got a review up on the Senfu Water Cooling Kit. I'd pick up one of these but getting one does not justify the price! Read up, you might just have $110 laying around. God, the name of this site just bugs me, yuck.

Firing Squad has a some preview action as of yesterday. They have a preview of the Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed stuff. It looks halfway cool for now, can't wait till they officially release it.

HardOCP has a little Golden Orb action for today. He likes it, and for good reason too. This bad boy is cheap and does it's job.

USB 2.0 is real close, in fact the Register reports it as only three months away. I hope they made it well worth the upgrade. You know, like one hundred times the speed or something.

I've been watching this simulator since it's first release about 3 months ago. It's now been updated to version 2.0 and they fixed a lot of bugs. It's freeware and not the most exciting thing in the world but I play it when I want to relax. So, go hit the slopes and do a little snow boarding, you can download Free Ride at this link or visit their web site at this link.

As most of you readers know, HardOCP has been dealing in some legal issues with EverGlide about each others mousing surfaces. Here is the press release I received today:

"San Francisco, CA - February 26,2000 - David Welsh, President of EverGlide.com, the manufacturer of the internationally distributed mousing surface, announced today that EverGlide had resolved its dispute with HardOCP.com over the manufacture of HardOCP's Ratpadz mouse pad.

While EverGlide considered legal action against HardOCP we were able to resolve our difference without filing a law suite", stated Welsh. "As no law suite was filed, no law suite was settled. Any rumors to the contrary are inaccurate", continued Welsh.

To resolve the dispute HardOCP has agreed to no longer use EverGlide.com's source suppliers in the manufacture of its mouse pad."

I found this yesterday at about 10 PM and I forgot to post it. It's a little news article about a new substance which can dissipate heat about 4 times better than a regular heat sink. That means that we will be able to run CPUs at faster speeds with out additional cooling fans. No more need for water rigs!

HardOCP has a review of the Abit VA6. It looks like it doesn't perform up to our current Abit standards. Well, read it and find out already.

Firing Squad has an Ultima 9 review up. Looks pretty interesting. The graphics a pretty good but the boys over there say it's only good for a 74%. It was the speech... the all spoke Ebonics. =)

The Tech Zone has a direct comparison of the Global Win VOS32 and the Alpha P3125. Looks like Global Win has really made an Alpha killer this time. Not only because of cooling, but because of price. Save $20 and get better cooling at the same time. Oops, I ruined the ending.

There are only a few days left to register to win the the AMK SECC2x60 over at Overclockin.com. All you need to do is read through the review and send them your registration.

Magic Torch Overclocking (ok, they've gone too far!) has a review of the Soltek Coppermine Slocket. There is not much you can say about a little Coppermine adapter card but they were able to squeeze a page out of it.

Here's some damn good news, well mostly. Microsoft's (that's the bad part) rumored X-Box is not so rumored any more. It seems as if they are taking great steps in creating their own gaming platform (e.g. Playstation, Dreamcast, etc.). They have chosen to use AMD Athlons in their boxes and Gigapixel's Graphics technology for the video end of it. I was reading up on the Gigapixel stuff a couple of days ago, and if what they say is true.... Oh my god, GeForce kiss your ass good bye.

Cole 3D (yet another Computer related site) has Savage 2000 FAQ up. This bad boy is a list of 50 questions and answers, so you S2K owners and just plain S2K curious people need to read up. I still feel this card to be a great price/performance card.

Firing Squad has a review of Nox up. Nuff said.

Yeah, you know it's quality when... you release a critical update on the ... SAME DAY IT'S RELEASED!! Here is a link to the Windows 2000 Critical Update. It applies to W2K Professional, Server, and Advanced Server.

Hot Hardware has posted the low-down on the Elsa Erazor X2. I would have tested one but Elsa's PR department doesn't like me, and for no reason too. If you peeps ever want something review just email me. By the way, how do you guys like the new background? Tell me!

Thresh's Firing Squad has a review up on the newer Guillemot Force Feedback Wheel. He doesn't like the pedals so, he took a huge chunk out of its score. But, it does have a Ferrari emblem! =)

Check out our new affiliates site, Tweak Town. They have pretty good content and update regularly, like your bowel movements (ok, that was uncalled for).

Sharky Extreme has the start of a review of that Dell 64 MB DDR GeForce Card. Which, Dell will be equipping on their new Dimension (option). Mr. X pointed this out to me a couple of days ago in a magazine ad. So, this may not be new news to you but it is pretty cool.

GameWire has a review on Sierra Studio's/Relic's Homeworld. Good stuff, but you can read my review for comparison. I think mine is better anyway =P

What? I smell further world dominance. Microsoft announces that they will release a 64-bit version of Windows 2000 when Intel released the Itanium in Quarter 2. This seems a bit interesting considering Intel was making attacks at because Sun deemed it to be "backsliding on Solaris for Itanium."

2CoolTek has their newest Gold Finger Adapter (GFA). This one put out by K7OC. Not only is the company name not the most original but, the GFA was given the outstanding name of "Athlon Overclocker." 2CoolTek is currently the only U.S. retailer of these bad boys. PC Citrix has a review of this GFA too.

GameWire has released a review of the HP CD Writer Plus 9100i 8x/4x/32x CDRW.
"So does the HP CD-Writer 9100i live up to the quality of its printer counterparts? Yes. I have burned about 20 CD's ever since I've had the CD-Writer and each CD was burned flawlessly each time. Now that's what I call reliability."

HardOCP has a review up on the brand spanking new Global Win Socket 370 cooler. Price to performance ratio is very good. Check it out, especially you Copperminers out there. (No, not the people who actually mine the copper).

Fast-Mhz has a review up on the Air Cooler Pro. Pretty crappy actually, go read it and see why. This guy is usually fairly happy with the stuff he tests, but I think he just thought this sucked. I don't know, ducters might have a use for it.

Windows 2000's official release is tomorrow... woooweee. Now if I just had $220 laying around at my disposal. Despite the rumored 63,000 known bugs it is shipping with, the reviews look pretty good. As long as you don't have any whacked out components, and at least 128MB of RAM you could be BSOD Free (until you run into one of the 63,000 bugs).

Now this is just plain cool. Firing Squad, has a PIII and Athlon chipset comparison. This could help you in your next $1000 purchase. It seems like these guys have something cool everyday for me to post!

Firing Squad has an interview with the 3Dfx dood. Nice stuff, I hope they live up to what they've been saying and that it wasn't purely media hype. If it was, I'll get my crew together and drive down there to Cali to show them boyz what's up (No, that wasn't a direct threat. I have no plans on going down there with a baseball bat and smashing them and their little company.).

Happy Valentines Day. If you head over to HardOCP and look at his news for today, he'll tell you that someone is ripping his content (news). Well, I think I'll start ripping news so that I'll get more visitors. Almost always the site gets a link on the site they're ripping from and there by probably doubling their hits for that day. My point? If someone jacks your content, don't post a link to their site. You are just giving them what they want. *Cough*Duh*cough*Kyle*Cough*

GameWire has a review up on the EverGlide GIGANTA. Mine will be up in a couple days, so you can check this one out in the mean time.

Firing Squad has a MSI MS-6309 review up for your viewing pleasure. This is the new board based on VIA's Apollo Pro133A (694X) chipset. This MSI's 6309 motherboard offers a compelling upgrade path for any Celeron or Pentium III gamer. Sounds tacky, yet so unjustifiably true.

Fast-Mhz has posted a review of The Ultra Thin Hard Disk Cooler. Nifty little device, well worth the read. Remember it's Ultra thin, not just thin. =P

Firing Squad has a direct comparison of the the Viper II and the GeForce SDR. Personally, I was rooting for the underdog (Viper II). It didn't fair to badly, in fact, beating up on the GeForce in a few benchmarks. I believe as the drivers mature the card will more comparably contend with the GeForce. Until then, the Viper II is a damn good value card. Heck, you can pick one up at Beyond PC for $147.

GameWire as a couple new reviews up. One on a 5 GB MP3 Player (Geezus!) and one on of the AVB Top Shot Pegasus Pro Joystick (Force Feedback). They seem to like both. I wonder why?

Marky Mark the Card Shark, of Fast MHz, has a review of the Creative GeForce DDR. Not just a "Oh my god, this beats a Voodoo2 man, you got to get one" review. The fact is, it's all about the Benjamins baby.

Firing Squad has finished up their John Carmack interview. Man, this guy is a freaking genius. He's my new idol, sorry Kyle Bennett.

Kyle has finished his series of T&L articles and posted the 4th one today. This one kind of sets the record straight and probably won't leave everyone happy, but it'll appease most of you. Read up, you might actually think he knows what he's talking about.

The Dcypher.net client was updated recently and is available for download. This version, unlike the previous, is stable and will not crash if you leave the Bolt-On GUI open. Heck, if you don't have the Dcypher.net client and you want to help stop the world's nuclear waste problem, make a quick stop over their and download the client. You can even join our team to contribute to our stats (We've been rock solid at 15th Place for a while). Our team number is 284.

I was emailed this write up. It is about all the different companies and what they will be doing this coming year or year and a half. Good info and you know it is pretty reliable because it's from Wired News.

Thresh's Firing Squad an interview with John Carmack! For those of you who don't know who I'm talking about, he's the head guy over at id Software (Quake 1, 2 & 3 etc. duh!). Interesting guy and a good read, definitely worth 10 minutes of tweak time.

AnandTech has a review posted on the VIA Apollo KX133 motherboard. They go over chipset architecture and the whole 9 yards (or should I say meters? We should convert to metrics you know).

Fast MHz has a review on the 2COOLPC Cooler. This is one of those ducted card cooler things a lot of have been seeing around. Pretty cool, but don't go out and buy one yet. Wait till you see my Gamma 32 Review first. Then decide, the Gammas are a lot more of a project, but a fun one at that.

I'm thinking about starting a featured site of the month. But, unlike other sites I would like the people's input rather than my own. If you this is a good idea or have any comments, email me. Heck, if you think this is a stupid idea, email me too.

Though it has been out for a while now, Sharky Extreme has posted their review of the Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer. Aside from having one of the longest product names in the world, they seem to like it.

Hot Hardware has a funny as hell review up on the Ratpad. Even if you already know about this mouse pad from my review or someone else's, read it just for a good laugh.

AMD is beating Intel in the MegaHertz race and everyone wants to help in the spanking. Companies are already announcing that they will be supporting the Athlon 850 in their next generation of computers. Read all about it. (Ugh, I sound like a 1930's news boy)

Steve Lynch of Hypothermia has posted the winner of the Diamond Viper V770 Ultra. Guess what? You didn't win. Guess what else? He is doing another give away. Now he is giving away Quake 3 in the special edition tin! Good luck, but better luck to me.

Sharky Extreme has a review on the Gigabyte GA-MG400 16MB Matrox MGA G400. This is one weird board. The thing cost only $90 but, it has horrible drivers and, get this, ONLY works on Gigabyte motherboards. That's just plain whacked out if you ask me.

HardOCP has another article on nVidia's Hardware T&L. This one should be the article to shut everyone up. Kyle puts the GeForce to work on a game that can really use T&L.

Jsi Hardware has a review written up on the Abit BE6 - II. It's nicely done and fairly informative. So, read up.... just don't drool on your keyboard, it can get a bit sticky.

GameWire has a review written up on the Ratpad. Just a typical mouse pad review, seems like everyone has one these days. Just for comparison, here is a link to our Ratpadz review from a while back.

Just for your information, here is a link to the Intel Processor Roadmap. It talks a lot about the "upgrading" of existing chips. Such as, taking the Celeron up to 600 MHz and making it part of the Intel® 810 chipset family. It in a nicely organized table too, so you "not so bright" people shouldn't having any problems understanding it. Thanks Slugo for link.

The Register has a great little write up entitled "How Rambus lost the PC memory war." Check it out, it's good stuff. They go into DDR pretty good too. Just read it and I'll stop typing now.

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