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January 2002

Random Cool Free
Since there really is no really cool news today, I'm posting the inaugural random, cool, free software link. So, without further ado, I present the random, cool, free software link: VNC. Sure, a lot of you probably already know what this is, but for those of you who don't, check it out.

CNN Does The GF4
There is a gaming column over at CNN that is mainly about the GeForce 4. It also has a tid bit of information about Doom 3 and Unreal 2. Good stuff, and it's from CNN. Smile

Cisco Security Hole
We all love to hear about security holes, right? Especially when they're in things we own, then we have to patch the product. Well, a rather expensive product from Cisco has security hole in it (note: everything from Cisco is expensive). The Register reports: Crackers exploit Cisco LAN switch flaw.

VIA P4XB-R Review
Active-Hardware takes a look at the VIA P4XB-R. While I'm not a big supporter of the Pentium 4, I can't really argue with a built in RAID controller. Smile


Blazing AMD Mobile
The Register has an article up about AMD shipping their newer, faster Durons. This is especially good news for AMD fans considering the recent release of the newer mobile Athlon 4. Happiness all is around. Smile

Cooling Galore
We have a couple cooling related reviews for you today:

BurnoutPC.com has taken a look at a cooling compound called Nanotherm Blue. While this isn't the world's greatest thermal compound, it keeps up decently and is probably worth a look.

Our new affiliate, ViperLair.com has a review of the Blue Orb. This isn't the most timely review, but it should still provide some decent information on the product.

Finally, a Dual Fan HDD Cooler Mod has been performed and displayed over at OCIA. Pretty cool stuff they did to an InWin case.


Do The Dumbass
There are 19 dumbasses in the Dumbass Database. If you haven't seen it or some of the newer posts, you're missing out. For example:
I was installing a hard drive for a customer & told him I could do it while he waited. I proceeded to remove the screws on the back of the case and begin the install. He stopped me and said "Hey, isn't that dangerous?" I didn't know what he was talking about and asked him to explain. He said "Can't you catch some kind of computer virus!?" It took everything I had to keep from laughing, as well as the other customers in the store
What are you waiting for? Check it out

Cool Case Toy
TheTechZone has a review of a cool new toy for your PC. The Crazy PC Multi-Function Access Panel has everything from a temperature LCD to a firewire connection. Beware: TheTechZone has a plethora of pop-up window ad spam.


Juno P6 Full Tower
A review of the Juno P6 Full Tower has been posted over at ViperLair.com. The case has some unique looks to it. The case is probably worth looking at it because it's one of those cases you love or hate. Smile

AMD SledgeHammer
HardwareMainia has a "preview" of the AMD SledgeHammer. I must warn you though, you should get your reading glasses now because this is a long article. The article is very well written and detailed, but long. Also, it might help if you knew a bit about processor technology before you read this. If you don't, you'll still understand most of it, just not as well.


Case Tattoos
Despite how dumb it might sound, BlargOC has a review of a Northward Case Tattoo. These things are actually pretty cool and you can get them customized to your liking as well.


Creative Labs Ti500
We've got more GeForce3 Ti500 loving for you today. This time it's a Creative Labs GeForce 3 Ti500 and it's posted at Guru3D.com, which I believe was down for a while and is now back up. Exciting (please note sarcasim).

Motherboard Reviews
A couple of motherboard reviews have been posted for your reading pleasure today. First, the Soltek SL-75DRV4. Soltek is quickly making a postive name for itself in the motherboard market. Secondly, Techwatch gives the ECS K7VTA3 revision 2 a good looking over and finds out some interesting stuff.

Amuzuma Fan Adapter
ExtremeOverclocking has reviewed the Amuzuma Fan Adapter. This is a very versitle fan adapter, allowing for a range of fan sizes to be adapted to varios sized heat sinks.


LCD Smartie 5.0
I was informed that LCD Smartie 5.0 has just been released. This should be good for you guys using LCD mods on your case. The program looks pretty well written.

Video Card Reviews
First off, HardOCP has a review of the ABIT Siluro Ti500. Apparently, ABIT videocards have a much lower RMA rate than their motherboards.

Anandtech has a bad ass article put togther that is basically a huge videocard shootout between 15 different video cards. What? You've seen a videocard shoot out before? No, not like this one. The benchmarking is done with the brand spanking new Unreal 2. Basically, what this review says is: you've all been enjoying 1600x1200 with your new Radeons and Ti500's, welcome back to 640x480. What am I saying? The new Unreal 2 engine makes your video card it's bitch.


IBM Servers 80% Less?
Not only has IBM come out with some really cool servers lately, but now they're now claiming they are much, much cheaper. The Register.co.uk has an article up entitled "IBM Intel servers '80 per cent cheaper than Dell'." It's very interesting and if you don't already know about IBM's new smart 'self healing' computers, this will give you a little bit of that too.

Shuttle AK35-GTR
A review of a Shuttle AK35-GTR has just been put up over at Active-Hardware. Shuttle makes some pretty high quality boards, so it's worth a look. On a completely seperate note, I really hate SPAM (the email/ICQ kind).

Belkin Networking
EXHardware has just posted a review of some Belkin Networking Equipment. This includes patch cables, NICs and an 8 port switch. I didn't even know Belkin sold NICs and Switches until I read the review. Smile


Big Brother Software
I don't know about the rest of you but I get TONS of spam... and I hate it! Anyhow, when I checked my email this afternoon I received a hilarious email on IamBigBrother: Parental Internet Control Software. If you want a good laugh this is definitely worth checking out. Smile

Dumbass DB Update
Have you been to the Dumbass Database lately? If not, you're missing out on great fun, like this:
I was installing a hard drive for a customer & told him I could do it while he waited. I proceeded to remove the screws on the back of the case and begin the install. He stopped me and said "Hey, isn't that dangerous?" I didn't know what he was talking about and asked him to explain. He said "Can't you catch some kind of computer virus!?" It took everything I had to keep from laughing, as well as the other customers in the store!
So, what are you waiting for, get in there and vote for the dumbest dumbass!

Microsoft Changes
I was browsing around slashdot and I noticed this article: Microsoft's Family Room Change. It's about M$ dropping their "ultimate tv" project and moving them to Xbox. Pretty interesting stuff and we all like to read about failures, right?

HWExtreme Reviews
HWExtreme has a posted a couple reviews for you today. First off, they give the Global Win YCC-61F1 (server case) a good looking over. They also take a look at an new mouse, the Logitech Cordless Freedom Optical. Exciting? Nah, not really, just informative.

4in. Cold Cathode
GideonTech has just posted some review goodness for you case modders. They have taken a good look at the ZXMods 4in. Cold Cathode Kit. While, they did take a good look at it, they didn't take a really close look, because that would hurt their eyes. Smile


P4X266 vs SiS645
LegionHardware has an article up called "VIA P4X266 vs. SiS 645." It's a chipset comparison (obviously) and should provide you valuable information about your next Pentium 4 motherboard purchase.

MC462 vs PAL 8045
GamingIn3D.com has posted their latest article, which happens to be a heatsink shootout. They pair up the Swiftech MC462 and the Alpha PAL 8045 to battle to the death or something corny like that.


Deskstar 60GXP
Bluescreenofdeth.net has a review of a hard drive today. They have taken a look at the IBM Deskstar 60GXP 40GB. If you're looking for a speedy drive, check this review out.


Volcano 7 Mod
ExtremeOverclocking.com has a modification for the Thermaltake Volcano 7 posted up on their site. It's only one page, and the mod is very easy to do but yet very useful. They show you how to increase the usefulness of the temperature probe on the Volcano 7's fan.

More Game Lovin'
More gaming reviews at a hardware site? Yes, and it's the same hardware site as before. LegionHardware.com has a review of racing style game called Supercar Street Challenge. Is it good? I don't know, read the review. Smile

MSI K7N420
Viperlair.com has some nForce chipset loving for you guys today. The give the MSI nForce K7N420 a good looking at and report their results. Personally, I think the nForce is a little lackluster in the performance arena (which is most important to me, along with stability) but that is just my opinion.

Mouse Skatez Review
Want you mouse to move smoother? Do you want to be able flick your mouse and have it go accross the entire mouse pad? Well, a good place to start on your quest for motion smoothness is at OCIA.net's Mouse Skatez review. While they might not be a technological break through, a lot of people seem to like these things.

Active-Hardware has a review of the ABIT BD7-RAID. Don't worry about this board failing on you. This one is made with an Intel Chipset (845D), so it will mostly likey not random reboot 3 times a day and screw up it's USB timings. ABIT seems to be able to get Intel based boards done right.


Dumbass Goodness
If you haven't already, check out our Dumbass Database. If you don't, you're missing out on stuff like this:
Dumbass #10 -Submitted on 01-17-2002 by jmcquee1

back in high school a few friends and i told a kid that if you shuffle your feet around for a while (to build up static energy) and touch a metal piece on your computer that it will shock it and make it go faster. Funny thing is that he tried this on a computer in the library first and ended up in OSS for a week. I would feel sorry for him, but WHAT A DUMBASS!

- jared
ROFL, That is hilarious! And there is much more dumbass goodness in the database. On a side note, it's my birthday, so do me a favor and check it out. Smile

Some Gaming Action
LegionHardware has game review up (ironic, yes) and ready to read. They have taken a look at the much reviewed Alien vs Predator 2. If you haven't seen a review of this yet, it's worth a look.

CoolerMaster CB5
Are you wanting some copper cooler lovin'? Look no further. OCIA.net has a review of the enirely-copper CoolerMaster CB5. CoolerMaster has really been making a name for themselves lately. This product should be no exception.

Small HDD to USB
Overclockers.com.au has a review of product that can be best explain in two words: damn cool! It's called the NewMotion Tech USB HDD Enclosure and essentially what it does is take a laptop HDD and make it into a hotswappable USB device.

2CoolPC Turbo
BlueSmoke.net has posted a review of the 2CoolPC Turbo and the 2coolPC Plus. I reviewed the 2CoolPC and the 2CoolPC Plus a long time ago (June 16, 2000). You can check out our review for comparison. (Keep in mind, we don't have the newer "Turbo")


Dan Does PC-7X
Dan of Dan's Data has taken a look at both the Lian Li PC-71 and PC-75. The PC-71 is black (oohhh, black aluminum) and the PC-75 has a factory fitted side viewing window. The best part is that these will only cost you an arm and a leg, as opposed to all your limbs as one might think. Smile

Dumbass Database
Our very own Dumbass Database has officially gone live! You have to see this. It is basically a collection of tech related blunders. Most of them are hilarious. If you're one of the dumbasses, you probably should skip it, you still will not get it. Smile


Re-doing the Net
Because of the increase in internet users, and the push for high bandwidth, our user demands are forcing the rethinking of net CPUs. Companies might soon start making CPUs just for the net? They don't explicitly say that in the article, but it kind of sounds like it. This is a very interesting story and if you're into networking technologies a must read.

Oktava Microphone
Don't ask me why I'm posting this, but I am. EXHardware has a review of Oktava Studio Microphones. So, if for some reason you need a studio microphone, check these out. Apparently, they are pretty good. But I couldn't tell you honestly. All I know is that it's better than my labtec computer microphone. Smile

Innovatek watercooler
BurnOutPC.com has a review of the Innovatek watercooling kit. While they're one of the few sites I know that runs an ad banner of their own site on their own site and they have very poor image manipulation skills, the review is still good and worth taking a peek at.


Wireless Content News
The EETimes has a story up entitled: Content protection plan targets wireless home networks. Basically, they are trying to stop digital broadcasting on copyrighted material in wireless networks, before it starts. This will surely suck for the pirater. However, I'm sure whatever they make will be cracked soon after they do it.
At stake here, said Leon Husson, executive vice president of consumer businesses at Philips Semiconductors, is the "free-floating" copyrighted content that will soon be "redistributed" or "rebroadcast" to different TV sets throughout a home by consumers using wireless networking technologies like IEEE802.11
Whatever happened to releasing a product and letting people do the right thing and arresting them when they don't?

Adobe Cuts China?
Well, it's nothing certain, in fact, it is mostly just a threat. However, the CEO of Adobe software was not joking when he threatened to stop localizing software for China because of extreme pirating. This is a very interesting story and I'm sure when you read it, the threat will be justified. Check it out at the Register.

OCZ Goliath Review
AthlonOC.com has a review of one of OCZ's many heatsinks. The reviewer took a look at the OCZ Goliath. This thing is very large and it's price isn't outrageous either. Also, the Goliath has a very dense microfin configuration which should make for an interesting review.


AMD Heatsink Roundup
VoidYourWarranty.net has posted, what they are calling, an AMD Heatsink Roundup on their site today. This might be interesting just because of the fact that they are using the internal diode on the Athlon XP processor.

Catapult Watch?!?
This isn't something we normally post, but because of the what it is, it's getting posted. Dan's Data has taken a look at a Catapult Watch. What's that? It's a watch with a built on catapult. Useless? That's for you to decided. Peronally, I think it's ridiculous. Smile


How to Spot H4x0rz
I ran acrossed the article at the Register on how you can tell if your son a computer hacker?. It was a great laugh... you have to go and check it out. What are you waiting for? Head on over now so you can laugh your ass off! Smile


New Debian Release
A new version of Debian has been released today. It is apparently mostly bug fixes. You can read more about Debian 2.2r5 over at Slashdot.

Gigger Worm
I'm sure you'll all be excited to learn that there is a new worm spreading around the internet. It's called the Gigger worm and it's good at formating windows boxes. You can read about it at The Register. Easy to avoid? Very, unless you're one of the retards that opens up attachments from people you don't know.

Tyan Trinity
Are you looking for some Socket 478 & DDR-SDRAM lovin'? Then you should be checkin' out Active-Hardware's review of the Tyan Trinity 510 S2266. It will give you all the love you'll need. Until it's outdated; then you have to find a new one (so goes life).


ATI + Hercules = Good; it's a simple equation, but it's just so wonderful, and now true! I just received a press release from Hercules (formerly Guillemot and AKA Thrustmaster) informing me that Hercules and ATI have partnered up. This is good news for us, and I suspect bad news for nVidia. Nothing like a little competition to spice things up.

New Cases Preview
Sam from www.my-rig.com has informed me that they have a sneak peak at a new series of cases. The opening paragraph has some pretty bad english in it, but once you get around that you can check out the cool, new line of cases from PC Gear Limited.

Crystal Orb Review
The Thermaltake Crystal Orb has been reviewed, yet again. This time the review is done by HWExtreme. If you haven't seen a review of a Crystal Orb yet, you must live in a cave. But that's why I posted it, because I know a lot of you live in caves. Smile


Maelstrom Rheobus
Virtual-Hideout is at it again with another review. This time they take a look a pre-made Rheobus, the CaseETC.Com Maelstrom Rheobus. If you don't know what a rheobus is, you can check out the review. If you don't want to read the review, a rheobus (in use with PC's) usually controls the voltage of fans. You can use it to slow or speed them up.

Cobra 300GT
HardOCP has the first review I've seen of one of the coolest gaming PCs on the market. They have reviewed a Corsair Cobra 300GT. Corsair? They make RAM right? Right. But, now they have a gaming PC and I must say, this thing looks @$%!ing awesome!


RioVolt SP250
NewsForge has a review of the RioVolt SP250. The SP250 is an MP3 CD Player. It is very similar (but higher quality) to the MPFit CD Player we reviewed here at Xtreme Tek a ways back. Anyway, the RioVolt is a very nice looking unit and is worthy of you're ownership. Smile


The Register has a funny article posted up that I just noticed. Not only do I hate Compaqs, but it seems Thomas at the Register does too. Smile He has an article up detailing his experience installing Linux on a piece of shit Compaq laptop. This might sound educational, but it's actually very humorous. (FYI: He is installing SuSE, not that it matters though).

New Athlons and P4s
The new Athlon XP 2000+ (1667 MHz) and new Pentium 4 Northwoods have been set loose today. HardOCP takes a look at both and whips up a comparison of the two chips. The information part of Kyle's article focuses around the Northwood and not the Athlon XP (because of it's similarities to the previous XP). Active-Hardware also has articles up. However, they have two seperate reviews, one of the XP 2000+ and one of the 2GHz and 2.2GHz Northwood chips.

Leadtek Motherboard
A Leadtek motherboard? This is the first I've heard about it. Apparently, Techwatch.com.au already has a review of the Leadtek 7350KDA Motherboard. This is an Athlon/Duron supporting board and it utilizes the SiS 735 chipset. This is definitely worth a read if you haven't seen a review of this motherboard already.


Athlon XP 1900+
3DVelocity has a review of an AMD Athlon XP 1900+. It's a little old, but it's still valid information, right? Smile Anyway, it might "prepare you" for the 2000+ reviews comming out pretty soon.

Lian Li PC35
A Lian Li PC35 aluminum case has been given the once over at GideonTech.
"The strange bit about this case is the positioning of the drive bays. The two (2) 3.5" bays are actually on the top, while the one (1) 5.25" bay is positioned on the left, sideways. Right in the middle are the features of the case, two removable hard drive bays. To remove them, you're going to need the key that is included in the box to pull those bays out. These are not hot swappable! So DO NOT pull them out while your machine is on."
Two removable hard drive bays is just a damned cool feature. Who wants to buy me one? Smile

Enermax Whisper PSU
VirtualHideout.net gives two models of Enermax Whisper Power Supplies the once over. These are not very powerful but they are stylish and quiet!


Crystal Orb Review
I have posted a couple of these in the past, but, in the case you missed it the first time, a Crystal Orb review had been posted over at PC-Extreme.co.uk. These are the small video coolers from Thermaltake that have the cool chrome finish.

Lian-Li PC70
HWExtreme has a review of the Lian-Li PC70. The reviewer doesn't seem to happy with the case. He doesn't seem to be able to justify the very heavy price tag with features.


OCZ Slickpad
AthlonOC.com has a review of a OCZ Slickpad posted up for your perusal. These are kind of like Ratpadz and Everglide's mouse pads.

Asus A7n266-E
HardOCP has a review of the Asus A7n266-E. This is the Asus motherboard based off of the nForce chipset. The review is pretty thourough and provides a pretty good look as to what is going on with nForce chipset.


Free Tbird Giveaway
Do you have a lowly Duron system and want to get a Thunderbird to spice it up a bit? Don't want to pay for it? Then try TechedOut's 850MHz AMD Athlon T-Bird Giveaway. What's the catch? You have to go register and chat in their forums. If their forums don't interest you, you can always try ours. Smile


LiteOn FS020
VirtualHideout has a review of a pretty cool case, the LiteOn FS020 Mid Tower Case. You can't get these in the US yet but you might want to check this out so you know what you want. This case is pretty damned cool. It even has two spots in the back for 120mm fans.

Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!!! I hope everyone's resolutions work out good. I know I don't make any because I know I won't do them. Smile Anyway, best wishes to you all!

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